April 4, 2007
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Leonard Anderson; Michael Scott; Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell, Kenneth Strom
Members Absent: Anthony Costello
Staff Present: Pamela Harding
Others: Iqbal Ali, Crescent Builders; Dan Hazen, NEED; Clea Blair, CB Blair Builders;
Karen Leonard, CB Blair Builders; Dan Leahy, CB Blair Builders; Chris Lucas, Cohler and Colantonio; Jane Zottoli; Louis Tella, Sarah Kelly, Brenda Prachniak, Jim Lyons, Peter Karlsson, Gordon MacPhee, James Correia, Michael Grasseschi, David Getman, DCR.
The meeting began at 7:00 p.m.
Fisher Terrace Iqbal Ali was present to determine if the replacement of the Hydroworks stormwater management device would be an equivalent proposal for the previously approved Vortechnic unit. The Commission unanimously voted that it was an insignificant change to the project and an equal replacement.
NOI Alden Woods II - Revised plans addressing concerns raised by M. Scott regarding easements and error in elevations in the details were reviewed. D. Getman, DCR representative stated that the SWPPP had not been approved by DEP, DEP has jurisdiction over the SWPPP because of the required ORW permit. M. Scott voted to close the hearing L. Anderson seconded the motion all were in favor.
NOI Stoney Brook Estates - Chris Lucas Senior Scientist for Coler and Colantonio gave a presentation of the plan. A previously proposed wetland crossing was revised to incorporate an abutting parcel. Work will no longer include a crossing but will still be conducted in the buffer zone. Streamstats depicted the stream as intermittent with a contributing watershed of only .25 acres. The applicant stated they were investigating the possibility of pulling the detention pond outlet from the wetland area so a 401 water quality permit would not be required.
D. Leah briefly reviewed the detention treatment. A majority of the soils are Canton which are relatively permeable. M. Kennedy asked how the required recharge was proposed. Three sumps were proposed to allow for infiltration, M. Kennedy stated this would not be sufficient and requested information on how the applicant proposed infiltration. He also asked for a grading plan location of the homes for the lots.
C. Lucas stated the wetlands will be flagged on April 22 by Julian Votruba. M. Kenned asked about a small BVW and for the applicant to determine if it would qualify as a vernal pool under the local by-law. The two wetland systems were actually connected but not shown on the plan because delineation requires access to private property. B. Prachniak onwer of 462 Bailey Road was present and stated that she would allow access onto her property with 24 hour notice and a requirement that she walk the site with the scientist.
M. Kennedy stated that a peer review of the stormwater management system and the wetland delineation will be required by the Commission. The applicant agreed to submit resumes of three qualified firms to the Commission who would review the suggestions and then pick a consultant.
The drainage calculations had to be modified to account for the road relocation. M. Grasseschi asked how this project would affect him. J. Carreia stated the stream is perennial and he has never seen it run dry, he asked if the NHESP changed the status of the area because the project was previously denied due to the negative impact on endangered species habitat. He also requested that the driveway service 290 Reservoir Drive not be utilized as a construction entrance, this would not be allowed because of the potential impacts to the stream.
J. Zottoli 159 Bailey Road asked how far the detention pond and pump station were located from her property lines.
P. Harding asked the applicant if a phasing plan had been developed. The application only specifies an erosion control barrier will be installed around the perimeter of the parcel. This will not be sufficient to prevent erosion and more details phasing and erosion control plans was required by the Commission.
CB Blair stated he would provide additional copies of the application for abutters. The Commission requested the applicant stake the roadways.
Orders of Conditions Alden Woods II - M. Scott motioned to issue a standard order of conditions, with additional conditions including:
Erosion controls be renewed
A pre-construction meeting be conducted with the applicant, Conservation commission member or agent, and DCR.
The proposed detention pond be graded to act as a settling pond.
The Commission will be conducting on site inspections throughout the project
A copy of an approved SWPPP be provided to the Commission
R. Lowell seconded, the vote was unanimous.
L. Anderson moved to close the meeting at 8:30 p.m. and M. Scott seconded. The vote was unanimous.
The next meeting is scheduled for May 2, 2007.